
Getting Noticed: Core Marketing Strategies for Targeting Financial Institution Decision Makers

Discover core marketing strategies for targeting financial institution decision-makers in the booming bank-Fintech landscape. Learn how to build trust, leverage LinkedIn, and drive growth through multi-channel content strategies.

The banking and financial technology (FinTech) landscape is booming, but with so much competition, how do you get your innovative product or service noticed by the right people? This article explores core marketing strategies specifically designed to reach decision-makers at financial institutions.

Targeting the Right Audience

Identifying key decision-makers is crucial for successful outreach. Reliable data providers like RelPro, Dun & Bradstreet, and FI Navigator offer contact information and insights like institution size, location, and technology stack. But remember, data is just the starting point. Personalization is key. Tailor your messaging to resonate with the specific needs and challenges of your target audience.

Understanding Buyer Intent

Beyond basic contact details, uncovering buying intent is key. Knowing when a bank has identified a need for a new or replacement solution, and has the resources and internal support is difficult. Third-party solutions are servicing FinTechs such as Truent which focuses on where financial institutions are in the buyer journey. However, most data providers offer solutions using automation to predict buying behavior. Still, cultivating organic intent is often the most cost-effective approach. This involves engaging your target audience through informative content and interactions across various channels. 

LinkedIn Network Grow your Brand and Awareness Inside LinkedIn
Website, Blogs, Whitepapers, Case Studies, Webinars, Social Media, Email, Advertisements Multi-Channel Content Strategies are More Effective
Industry Associations, Partnerships & Testimonials Establish Awareness & Credibility
Google & Meta Ad Manager, SEM Rush Measure and Adjust

Build A Strong LinkedIn Presence

Leveraging LinkedIn effectively can significantly enhance your ability to connect with decision-makers and build your brand. Here are the key steps to building a strong LinkedIn presence;

  • Create a business page and regularly post updates, articles, and industry news. 
  • Use relevant keywords in your company description to improve searchability. 
  • Engage with connections by sharing informative and engaging content regularly.
  • Repost and share relevant content from industry leaders and partners. 
  • Actively like and comment on posts from your network to increase visibility. 
  • Follow relevant companies, influencers, and industry groups. Don't forget to use LinkedIn’s invite feature to ask your connections to follow your business page.
  • Send personalized messages to key connections encouraging them to follow and engage with your page

Leverage LinkedIn Sales Navigator to target prospects based on specific criteria. Don't just bombard them with sales pitches. Focus on building relationships by offering valuable insights and engaging in genuine conversations that start with a personalized introduction rather than a sales pitch. Share insights, articles, and information that would be valuable to the prospect. Highlighting any common connections or interests is a great way to build rapport. Once you have established a rapport, ask about their challenges and needs paying close attention to their responses. Tailor your follow-ups accordingly and share how your solutions can address their specific challenges without being pushy.

By focusing on building genuine relationships and providing valuable insights, you can enhance your brand awareness and presence, ultimately driving business growth.

Multi-Channel Marketing Strategies

Creating and distributing high-quality content is a powerful strategy for establishing thought leadership and driving organic traffic. Everything that you create should be optimized for SEO.

  • Blog Posts: Address industry challenges, provide insights, and share expert knowledge that incorporates keywords, meta descriptions, and internal/external links.
  • White Papers: Offer in-depth analysis and research on industry-specific issues.
  • Case Studies: Showcase successful implementations of your solutions at similar financial institutions.
  • Webinars: Host webinars to discuss your content in detail and engage with your audience.
  • Podcasts: Participate in industry podcasts to reach a broader audience.

Maximize distribution for everything you create. Consistent effort and strategic planning will ensure you get the most mileage out of every piece of collateral you create:

  • Your Website: Regularly update with fresh content.
  • Email Marketing: Send out regular Newsletters that include links to your latest content.
  • Targeted Campaigns: Send personalized emails to different segments of your audience.
  • Social Media: Share content on LinkedIn, X, Facebook, and other relevant platforms.
  • Industry Associations: Share content with associations you belong to and contact associations you’re not a member of and propose content sharing.
  • Identify Websites: Find industry blogs and websites that accept guest posts.
  • Paid Advertising. Strategic use of paid advertising platforms like Google, Bing, Meta, and LinkedIn allows you to target a massive audience with laser precision. Paid advertising can be a powerful tool for promoting targeted content offers or driving traffic to high-converting landing pages.

Beyond the Basics: Building Trust and Credibility

Financial institutions entrust their core operations to FinTech solutions. Building trust and credibility is paramount. Here are some additional strategies to consider:

  • Industry Awards and Recognition: Actively pursue industry awards and participate in relevant conferences to showcase your expertise and gain recognition.
  • Customer Testimonials: Feature success stories from satisfied customers to demonstrate the real-world impact of your solution.
  • Strategic Partnerships: Collaborate with established players in the financial services industry to leverage their reputation and distribution channels.
  • Security and Compliance: Prioritize robust data security measures and ensure compliance with all relevant regulations. Communicate your security practices to potential clients.

Metrics and Measurement

Continuously track and analyze the performance of your marketing campaigns. Key metrics to consider include website traffic, lead generation, conversion rates, and customer acquisition costs (CAC). Use this data to refine your approach and optimize your marketing spend for maximum return on investment (ROI). 

By combining these strategies, FinTech startups can develop a comprehensive marketing plan that effectively reaches decision-makers within financial institutions. Remember, building trust and demonstrating value takes time and consistent effort. By focusing on delivering valuable content, building relationships, and showcasing expertise, Fintech startups can establish themselves as trusted partners in the evolving financial services landscape.

More About Vikar!!

Vikar is revolutionizing the way banks do business today. We are the only company providing software in which customers, lenders, branch managers, underwriters, KYC, and operation teams collaborate from a common interface across loans, deposits, treasury, and wealth management. Vikar offers One Vikar, a modern solution with built-in rules and automation supporting today’s demands from both bank customers and employees. The One Vikar solution is built with a holistic view of a bank’s business and completely integrates into the core banking system. 

For more information about this article or to learn more about Vikar products and services please contact Nancy Schneier at 

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